User Journey Optimization

How a startup decreased its cost per acquisition by 50%

Tools: Twilio, Zapier, Metabase, Google Analytics

User Journey Optimization


A rapidly growing pickup and delivery laundry startup faced a high customer acquisition cost, hindering its scalability. Despite effective marketing efforts to grow the funnel, a significant conversion dropoff from the bag order to the pickup order was impeding progress.

Data Exploration

Leveraging Google Analytics and Metabase, we identified that only 25% of customers who ordered a bag proceeded to place a pickup order. This bottleneck presented an opportunity to drastically reduce acquisition costs.

Root Cause Analysis & Customer Insight

Further investigation coupled with insightful customer surveys revealed a lack of awareness and clarity in the onboarding process. Customers were missing critical next steps, which were available but overlooked on the website and confirmation emails.

Solution: Enhanced SMS Communication

  • Developed and implemented a series of Twilio SMS flows, integrated with Zapier, to streamline customer communication.
  • Initiated the first flow with a REST API call upon bag order confirmation, ensuring customers were informed and engaged from the start.
  • Implemented a follow-up flow using Zapier webhooks and Google Sheets, to update customers with tracking information, enhancing transparency and trust.
  • Concluded with a final flow prompting customers to place their order thus bridging the gap to the next action.
Twilio Studio Flow

Example Twilio Studio Flow

Impactful Results

  • This targeted communication strategy led to a remarkable increase in the conversion rate from 25% to 50%.
  • The doubling of conversion rates effectively halved the cost of acquisition, allowing the marketing team to achieve a 2X ROI on ad spends.
  • The solution not only optimized the onboarding process but also significantly contributed to the company's overall growth trajectory.

This case study exemplifies how our data-driven analysis, technical proficiency, and customer-centric solutions can drive meaningful business outcomes.